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Sunday, March 25, 2007

30/03:Final Four: semi final: Spartak Moscow - CSKA Samara

Clash between Russian Giants in semi final:

30/03 18.00u: Spartak Moscow - CSKA Samara

CSKA Samara staat momenteel aan de leiding in de Russische competitie met 18 gewonnen en 2 verloren wedstrijden. Spartak Moscow staat op de tweede plaats met 16 gewonnen en 4 verloren wedstrijden.
In de Russiche competitie bestaat er een regel dat je minstens twee Russische speelsters op het terrein moet hebben. In Euroliga geldt deze regel niet. Dus tijdens de final four mogen beide ploegen al hun buitenlandse speelsters opstellen indien ze dit wensen.
Spartak Moscow organiseert de Final four en heeft dus het thuisvoordeel.

CSKA Samara is first in the Russian league with 18 W and 2 L. Spartak Moscow is second with 16 W and 4 L.
There is a rule in the Russian league that says that you need to have a minimum of two Russian players on the court. There is no such rule in the Euroleague. Both teams can play all their foreigners in the final four if they wish to do so.
Spartak Moscow organises the Final Four and will home home court advantage.

Spartak Moscow roster:

Yulia Koroleva
Olga Pantelejewa
Sue Bird
Marina Karpunina
Ekaterina Lisina
Tina Thompson
Tamika Whitmore
Francesca Zara
Ticha Penicheiro
Ivanka Matic
Svetlana Abrosimova
Diana Taurasi
Irina Osipova
Agnieszka Bibrzycka

Other semi final:

20u30: Bourges (FRA) - Valencia (ESP)

Final will be played April 1st.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Plane crash in Samara

Zeven doden bij noodlanding in Samara

MOSKOU - Minstens zeven mensen kwamen om bij de noodlanding van een vliegtuig in het Russische Samara. Vijftig anderen raakten gewond. De romp van het toestel scheurde open bij de landing, maar vatte geen vuur.Volgens de eerste informatie blokkeerde het landingsgestel, waardoor de Tupolev een buiklanding moest maken. Het toestel is eigendom van YUT-Air, dat vluchten binnen Rusland verzorgt. Het tweemotorig vliegtuig was opgestegen in Sourgout, 2.200 kilometer ten oosten van Moskou.Van de 57 personen aan boord zijn er minstens zeven overleden. Tien anderen zijn naar het ziekenhuis van Samara gebracht, waarvan er zes erg aan toe zijn.Sinds het einde van het monopolie van Aeroflot in de jaren '90 is de Russische luchtvaartsector uiteen gevallen in 190 maatschappijen. Enkel Aeroflot heeft een certificaat van de internationale luchtvaartassociatie (Iata).

Ann haar verhaal:

Ook dit is Rusland...

17 maart

09.30:We zijn deze morgen vertrokken met de bus naar de luchthaven van Samara, op verplaatsing naar Kursk. Onze vlucht is om 11.oou. Wij gaan door de controle en zitten te wachten op onze vlucht in de vertrekhal. Rond 11.00u komt een vrouw aangelopen en roept iets in het Russisch. We moeten dringend de vertrekhal evacueren. We begrijpen niet wat er aan de hand is. Is dit een bomalarm? Geen idee. Ik volg mijn teamgenoten naar een café in de luchthaven. Daar krijgen we voor het eerst te horen dat er een ongeluk gebeurd is op de landingsbaan. Kort daarop zien we de ambulances passeren. Nog altijd geen paniek, onze begeleiders zeggen dat we een vertraging hebben van 2 uren door het ongeluk. Ondertussen weten de Russische speelsters al dat er minstens 5 doden zijn terwijl wij zitten te kaarten niet wetend dat het ongeluk zo ernstig was. Onze kapitein komt ons vertellen dat de begeleiders van de ploeg hen gezegd hebben de buitenlanders niet te informeren dat er doden waren. Om paniek te vermijden.
De luchthaven wordt gesloten en iedereen moet de luchthaven verlaten. De bus staat ons op te wachten aan de rand van de parking. Wij zien ambulances, politie, leger,.. Duidelijk een rampenplan. Op de bus vernemen we dat er al 7 doden zijn, 30 gewonden en dat er nog mensen vastzitten in het vliegtuig. Onze begeleiders blijven denken dat wij 's avonds nog gaan kunnen vliegen. Het is stil op de bus. Ik denk niet dat er iemand van ons vandaag nog wil vliegen.

Ondertussen zijn we terug thuis. We hebben gewoon training vanavond en vertrekken morgen. We hebben beelden gezien op tv. Een fout van de piloten, door het slechte weer zijn ze te vroeg geland naast de landingsbaan. Het vliegtuig is in drie delen gesplitst. Verschrikkelijke beelden. We nemen ook geregeld YUT air voor onze verplaatsingen in Rusland..

Monday, March 12, 2007

Ann in seventh Final Four

Interview by Fibaeurope:
Wauters Reflects On Record Achievement


Final Four and Ann Wauters.
The event and player seem to go hand-in-hand.

Every spring, the EuroLeague Women celebrates its premier event - the Final Four.
And it seems that in every recent Final Four, you can count on looking in a team roster to see the name Ann Wauters.
To be exact, 2007 will mark the seventh consecutive time that the Belgian international will be among the semi-finalist teams.

She played in the semis with USVO from 2001-2004 and with CSKA Volgaburmash from 2005-2007.
Out of the six Final Fours she has already played in, Wauters' teams took the title three times (2002, 2004 and 2005).
No player in EuroLeague Women modern day history has played in seven consecutive Final Fours.
Wauters reflected on her record accomplishment and previous experiences in an exclusive fibaeurope.com interview.

FIBA Europe: Congratulations, Ann, on the amazing achievment of reaching your seventh consecutive final four, something that's never been done before. Did you ever dream that you could make history in the women's game like this?

Wauters: Thanks, it’s a great achievement but of course I could never have done this by myself. I have been fortunate to play with some great teams.

FIBA Europe: Which Final Four that you previously played in was most special for you?

Wauters: Every single one of them was very special. The one in Pécs (2004) was the most special. We struggled a lot that season, lost some games but at the right time we played our best game. Everyone on that team really knew their role and I guess that made us win.

FIBA Europe: Has the Final Four changed over the years, since you first played in it?

Wauters: It’s a great tournament with the best four teams of Europe. It has always been hard to qualify for the last four and it always will be.

FIBA Europe: What is the atmosphere like at Final Fours compared to other games you play in during the year?

Wauters: The atmosphere is always unbelievably intense. You can just smell it. Every team is just so focused to become champion. It’s the greatest time of the season. I am always looking forward to it!

FIBA Europe: For someone to have enjoyed so much success, there has to be inspiration. Where do you get your inspiration?

Wauters: I just don’t like to lose. It’s so great to work hard as a team and then accomplish the goal and win. I just love this game!

FIBA Europe: How have you changed as a player since appearing in your first Final Four?

Wauters: I have changed a lot. I have a lot more experience now. As an athlete I have become stronger and I still work on my weak points every day to get better.

FIBA Europe: Do all your family and friends back home in Belgium pay special attention to your team's Final Four games?

Wauters: They follow it closely. My parents have come to four of them, some close friends have come to all of them. They know how important it is to me and they just love the atmosphere.

FIBA Europe: The remarkable achievement comes at a very important time for the women's game, since this is the Year of Women's Basketball. And, all of Europe gets a chance to witness year appearance since the game will be offered as a free webcast on FIBAEurope.com. What can we expect to see from you, and your CSKA Volgaburmash team-mates? Are you saving your best for this tournament?

Wauters: We have three weeks to get ready for the Final Four and we all are really focused now. We are not playing our best basketball right now, but hopefully we will be ready on the 30th.

FIBA Europe: When you look back, can you remember something about each Final Four?

Wauters: Yes each of them was very special, even the ones I lost. So each of them has its own special memory.
2001: Final Four Messina, we lost in the final against Bourges by two points. I can still see Cathy Melain making that last lay-up to win the game. I was 21 years old in my first Final Four.
2002: Final Four Lievin, first European Champion title for me with USVO Valenciennes. The final was against Gdynia. We had a ‘dream team’ and we played at home so we were the favorites. But we also had some pressure to play in front of our crowd. It was very nice to celebrate our first European title with all those fans, who sacrifice a lot to cheer for their team.
2003: In the Final Four in Bourges, we lost the final against Ekaterinburg. We played a very bad first half and trailed the whole second half and came up short. We were really disappointed.
2004: In the Final Four in Pécs, we won the final against Gdynia. For me this is the greatest Final Four. We played our best game at the right time. It was a tough season and still we managed to win. I will also remember the Pecs fans. They were incredible. After we won, they had a big stage on the main square. There were at least 8000 people. It’s a great memory.
2005: We won the Final Four at home in Samara. Edwige Lawson and I changed teams and won again with our new, Russian team. It was a very tough game against Brno and we won in the last seconds. I remember a great party with some vodka afterwards!
2006: In the Final Four in Brno, we lost the final against the home team. We were tired beginning this tournament (the Russian Cup was the weekend before the Final Four). Against a strong home team with some great play from Nykesha Sales, we didn’t have the strength to beat them.

FIBA Europe: How do you like your team's chances against Spartak Moscow? Do you think that this year's CSKA Volgaburmash team is stronger than the side from one year ago?

Wauters: Spartak has great players. We have beaten them three times this season, but we all know that they are a different team in the EuroLeague where all their foreigners can play. They have the home court advantage, but also the pressure that goes with it. So I think we have of our chances to beat them, but it won’t be an easy task…

Friday, March 02, 2007

Final Four 30/03 in MOSCOW

ANN WAUTERS and DIANA TAURASI will be competing against eachother in the semi finals

F 4 in Moscow or Valencia? F 4 IN MOSCOW

Spartak Moscow - CSKA Samara
Bourges - Valencia
FINALS: 01/04
Waar zal de Final Four plaats vinden?
Moskou en Valencia zijn de kandidaten. Volgende week beslist Fiba Europe wie de final 4 dit jaar mag organiseren.

02 March 2007
FIBA Europe:
De Final Four wordt georganiseerd door Spartak en zal plaatsvinden in Moskou.
Halve finales op 30 maart en de finale op 1 april.
Where will the final four be held?
Moscow and Valencia are the candidates of hosting this event. Next week will be decided by fiba Europe who will be able to organise this year's Final 4.

02 March 2007:
FIBA Europe announced today that the EuroLeague Women Final Four will be held in Moscow.
The Final Four will begin on 30 April.
The winners will meet in the final to be held on 1 April.